Why I “LOVE” shooting In-home sessions..
From A Springfield Based Lifestyle Photographer
Shooting in-home lifestyle sessions are slowly becoming my favorite type of shoot. In my eyes there is nothing more authentic than delivering finished photo’s my clients love, in the space that they also love! Not to mention Missouri winters suck: they are seriously unpredictable. So regardless of weather conditions I can always count on these pictures conveying a certain type of emotion that can’t be replicated in other photo’s.
No matter the couple involved (the size of the family) or the style of the shoot, in-home photo’s can be a great way to document this personal stage in your lives… I think most of my clients tend to shy away from such a session out of fear of “have not”, but rest assured- no matter the space, its’ my job to make it work. If you’re looking for some tips on how to ensure you get the most of your session- read below.
Don’t Stress Over the House being Extra Clean!
The house does not have to be spick-and-span! We are doing a style of “photojournalism” in only a handful of places and its easy to tidy up anything that need be as we go. The focus and attention of the photos will be on the subjects.
Open the Window Shades!
Depending on the mood we want to convey, light does matter… most clients would like brighter photo’s. so think of a few space in your home that have great light. The bedrooms and living rooms are typically the best spaces and everything in between is a bonus. If you’re unsure about where you’d like to shoot, we can always help to find beautifully lit spots!
Keep the outfits casual
For one, loose the shoes and stay awhile! Being comfortable in your photos means being comfortable in your clothes as well! Plus, we try to have activities of some sort planned that required movement.
Plan An Activity
This is true for both my couples and my families…Bake some cookies, prep a meal, do an art project, have some wine! For my couples I usually like having a central theme but most of the time it is an in-home engagement session, so some light wine and finger food with couch cuddles kitchen kisses tend to bring the fire! For families – it can be as simple as letting the kids take the lead. Build some lego’s with them, or put together a fort. Don’t overthink it. We can discuss your themes during a phone consultation.
Take your time and don’t feel rushed!
This is one of the most important things… Brew a pot a coffee and chill with us at the breakfast bar and let the session unfold naturally. We don’t want the session to feel like we are rushing through poses. Let the kids play. Let the champagne flow. Take a break mid-session. The goal is for me give you just enough direction in order to be a fly on the wall and watch as magic unfolds.